arts·og·ra·phy (ärtz äg′rə fē)

noun pl. artsographies -·phies

  1. the systematic cataloging of arts events
  2. a list of the attended arts events of a particular audience member, group, organization, etc.

Etymology: art(s)- + (biblio)graphy

Related Forms:

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jonathan Coulton with Paul & Storm

Jonathan Coulton is a guy who plays guitar and sings geeky (zombies, fractals, aliens) pop songs. Paul & Storm are two guys who play guitar, piano and sing goofy (penises, chicken nuggets, advertisements) pop songs. They all played together at The Moore on Friday.

I like Jonathan Coulton; he appeals to my adult geek nature and is a very good song writer. I almost like Paul & Storm because they are funny and appeal to the 15 year old I used to be. P&S were the opening act though they joined JC for about half of his set as great backing singers. The flow of the show was hilarious as jokes started by P&S continued into JC's set (Arrrrr) and the crowd/performer dynamic was incredibly fun.
They were joined for a few songs by an ukulele player called Molly.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Coming soon...

Our review/comment posts will start sometime after January 22nd. Until then feel free to look at the official info about our upcoming events on the left of this page.

Key to the ratings system:

C++ ==> Chad loved it ...............T++ ==> Tina loved it
C+ ==> Chad liked it ...................T+ ==> Tina liked it
C ==> Chad thought it was OK.... T ==> Tina thought it was OK
C- ==> Chad didn't really like it... T- ==> Tina didn't really like it
C-- ==> Chad hated it ..................T-- ==> Tina hated it

Who we are:
